The Eric P. Fuentes Law Office was borne out of a need for a law firm which can provide a full spectrum of quality legal services at an efficient, creative, and timely fashion. Coming from the government sector as a well-trained litigator, the law firm partners have been adequately exposed to virtually all kinds and degrees of legal issues and transactions.  However, they yearned, too, for that personal touch that is often no longer seen in most attorney-client relationships.  Thus, the Firm is armed with a common passion and resolve to be able to practice law not only in a grand, but also in a personal and effective manner.

Eric P. Fuentes Law Office is engaged in most types of law practice from civil, criminal, and administrative litigation to the wide array of commercial law and special proceedings. It specializes in extradition cases, drug cases, intellectual property cases, family law cases, mortgages, writ of possessions and foreclosure proceedings and recognition foreign judgment cases. More than its legal competence, the firm looks after the salient concerns of its clients. Indeed, the firm is dedicated to excellence not only in providing quality legal service but also in cultivating its relationships with its clients.

The long array of retained clients of the Eric P. Fuentes Law Office is the living proof of professional competence.